
This is the homepage of the ILLA Cartago


Here you can find information about the ILLA Cartago


The ILLA Cartago was founded 1950 by ...Dam, ...Busch and ...Wagner

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Mr. Baumer made a Picture Documentery of the building process

Do you own a House?

Every owner of a house from the ILLA Cartago can Register or Login to get access to the Forum.

Please note that by pressing the Register button or link you request an account. To see more information about it clikc the button.


To access the Blackboard or the forum you are requred to be logged in.

Public Information

The ILLA Cartago is a privatly owned Island in the port of Empuriabrava.

The general public is not allowed to enter the Island.

We created a selection of Pictures that where made on the ILLA Cartago. You can Download them or share them on social media however enterig the Island without consent and taking picutes is strictly forbidden.

You are herby granted limited permission to use the following pictures. We reserve the right to revoke this permission at any point in time and without explisit reasoning.


Please Note that Contact requests might take a while to be processed.

Please fill out the following form to get in touch with us. Or send a E-Mail to the following E-Mail:

Every field marked with * is required, if you wish to stay anonym please use a psydonym so we can adress you.

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